Was founded by the initiative of Teodor Shanin in 1995
The Moscow School (as Teodor called it) now, and even more so in 1995, differed from other universities in Russia. For example, students submit all their courseworks in writing form. Also they spend a lot of their time in the library: everyone can walk between the shelves with books freely and work on his or her paper right there.

The first professors of the Moscow School were trained in England. After that they prepared educational programs for their departments. Professors Boris Shapiro, Alexander Soloviev and Evgeny Morgunov from the Social Work Department went on this internship and still work at the Moscow School.

From the Department of Sociology on this training Gennady Batygin, Alexander Filippov, Vadim Radaev and Alexander Kryshtanovsky were sent.

In addition to this, Shanin organized a competitive selection and training for future librarians that also took place in England. Pavel Arefiev, Olga Moskvina and Irina Ibragimova had a chance to attend this training.

The composition and structure of the Moscow School's departments changed greatly over the years. Following departments were founded: the department of cultural management, psychology department, political sciences department, etc.

There are several conferences regularly held at the Moscow School: International Conference "The Russian Ways", Student Conference "Vectors of the Modern Russia Development", regular seminars and reading groups.
Cover photo by Alexander Artamonov